Contributions to the morphological variation of the common gudgeon, Gobio gobio complex (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), in the upper Vistula drainage (southeast Poland)      [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

  • Michał Nowak
  • Jan Mendel
  • Paweł Szczerbik
  • Artur Klaczak
  • Tomasz Mikołajczyk
  • Konrad Ozga
  • Barbara Fałowska
  • Włodzimierz Popek
Keywords: biometrics, Gobioninae, ichthyofauna, traditional morphometrics, Vistula drainage


Recent molecular research indicates that several distinct species have been confused under the name Gobio gobio (L.); thus, comparative investigations of numerous local populations are urgently needed. The present study presents and discusses detailed morphometric characteristics of 82 individuals from the G. gobio complex of nine tributaries of the upper Vistula River (southeast Poland) within the context of the known variability of this species. The specimens analyzed generally resemble G. gobio s. stricto in a number of morphometric and meristic characters. The results are rather consistent with previous literature data on Polish populations of the “common gudgeon”; however, as long as molecular analyses are not available, precise identification is impossible.


M. Nowak [+], P. Szczerbik, A. Klaczak, T. Mikołajczyk, K. Ozga, B. Fałowska, W. Popek
Department of Ichthyobiology and Fisheries
University of Agriculture in Kraków
Spiczakowa 6, 30-199 Kraków-Mydlniki, Poland
Tel./Fax: +48 12 637 51 76, +48 12 638 59 79;
J. Mendel
Department of Fish Ecology
Institute of Vertebrate Biology
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i.
Květná 8, 603 65, Brno, Czech Republic
