Dynamics of some cellular and humoral non-specific immune mechanisms in bester (Huso huso L. x Acipenser ruthenus L.)

  • H. Kolman
  • A.K. Siwicki
  • R. Kolman
Keywords: Acipenseridae, BESTER (Huso huso L. x Acipenser ruthenus L.), IMMUNOLOGY, CELLULAR AND HUMORAL NON-SPECIFIC IMMUNE RESPONSES


Some cellular and humoral non-specific immune response mechanisms were studied in third generation bester (F3). During three years of tank-rearing in water recirculation system, activity of leucocytes and number of eosinophils in bester correlated with fish body mass. Tank-reared bester had lower eosinophil counts, lower phagocytic activity of microphages, and lower lysozyme activity and index compared to cage-reared fish. On the contrary, NBT reduction ability, Cp activity, and γ-globulin fraction level were higher. Total leucocyte and lymphocyte counts in circulating blood, % of NBT-positive cells, and NBT index did not differ between fish groups.
