Cyclical changes in interrenal and chromaffin cells in relation to testicular activity of olive barb, Puntius sarana (Hamilton)          [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

  • Padmanabha Chakrabarti
  • Saroj Kumar Ghosh
Keywords: annual cycle, histoarchitecture, adrenal, testes, Puntius sarana


The present study focused on observations of the histological status of adrenocortical tissues and the correlated seasonal changes in testicular activities in Puntius sarana (Hamilton). Interrenal and chromaffin cells were located in the head kidney between the posterior cardinal vein and hemopoietic tissues. Various male germ cells were identified in the testis based on distinctive features, distribution, and staining properties. The cytoplasmic features and the architecture of the interrenal and chromaffin cells varied during different phases of the annual reproductive cycle. The cytoplasm mass was elevated throughout maturation and spawning phases; however, it was weak in the post-spawning and growth phases. The staining intensity changed in the cells showing various phases of secretory efficiency harmonized with the constitution of different testicular cells.


P. Chakrabarti, [+], S.K. Ghosh
Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology
The University of Burdwan, Golapbag, Burdwan-713 104
West Bengal, India
Tel.: +91 342 2634798/fax. : +91 342 2657938
