Characteristics of autumn fry of pikeperch (Sizostedion lucioperca L.) reared in a traditional way in a pond and in controlled conditions
Autumn fry of pikeperch reared in ponds attained an average weight of 8.14 g and length 10.77 cm (Lt) by the end of October. The fish stock was predominated by the specimens weighing from 4 to 8 g. Fry fed artificial feeds in controlled conditions attained respectively 23.96 g and 14.30 cm. Index of the fish condition appeared to be lower in the case of pond reared fish than of those fed artificial feeds. Analysis of the relative values of some biometric parameters proved that the fry reared in ponds were characterized by higher lateral head length, pre-dorsal and post-dorsal length, as well as by lower body height compared to the fish fed artificial feeds.